Axios Network Errors: Common Issues & Fixes | CORS, Timeouts, SSL Solutions

axios network errors
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Introduction for Axios

Axios is a powerful JavaScript library for making HTTP requests, but vague “Network Error” messages can leave developers stuck. These errors often stem from server misconfigurations, client-side typos, or network restrictions. In this guide, we’ll decode the most common Axios network errors and provide actionable fixes to resolve them.

1. CORS Errors: The Silent Request Blocker

What is CORS?

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a security feature in browsers that blocks requests to external domains unless the server explicitly allows it. If your Axios request fails with a Network Error, CORS is often the culprit.

Server-Side Fix :

Add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to your server’s response. For example:

// Node.js/Express example  
app.use((req, res, next) => {  
  res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); // Allow all domains  

Replace * with your frontend URL (e.g., in production

Test with Postman :

Use tools like Postman or curl to confirm the server is reachable. If it works outside the browser, CORS is the issue.

Proxy Workaround :

Set up a proxy server (e.g., using Nginx or Cloudflare) to bypass CORS restrictions during development.

2. Invalid Base URL or Typos

Why It Happens

A typo in your API’s baseURL (e.g., htp:// instead of or missing environment variables can break requests

Quick Fixes For Invalid Base URL or Typos

Double-check the baseURL in your Axios instance:

const api = axios.create({  
  baseURL: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL, // Use environment variables  

Use ping or online tools like IsItDownRightNow to verify the server is online

3. SSL Certificate Errors

Common Scenarios

  • Self-signed certificates in development.
  • Expired SSL certificates on the server.

Solutions For SSL Certificate

Temporarily disable SSL verification (not recommended for production):

// React Native example  
axios.get("", {  
  httpsAgent: new https.Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false }),  

Use a trusted certificate from providers like Let’s Encrypt.

4. Timeout Errors

Slow servers or poor internet connections can cause Axios to abort requests.

How to Handle Timeouts

Set a Timeout :

axios.get("/data", { timeout: 5000 }) // 5-second timeout  
  .catch(error => console.log("Request timed out"));  

Retry Failed Requests :Use the axios-retry library to auto-retry failed requests:

import axiosRetry from "axios-retry";  
axiosRetry(axios, { retries: 3 });  

Server-Side Errors (4xx/5xx)

  • 4xx Errors :(e.g., 404 Not Found, 401 Unauthorized): Invalid endpoints, expired tokens, or missing permissions.
  • 5xx Errors :(e.g., 500 Internal Server Error): Server crashes or misconfigurations.

How to Handle Them

Use Axios interceptors to catch errors globally and provide user feedback:

// axios-interceptors.js  
  response => response,  
  error => {  
    if (error.response) {  
      // Server responded with 4xx/5xx  
      console.error(`Server Error: ${error.response.status}`);  
      alert(`Oops! ${error.response.statusText}`);  
    } else {  
      // Network error (e.g., CORS)  
      console.error("Network Error:", error.message);  
    return Promise.reject(error);  

For deeper insights, check out our guide on Implementing Axios Interceptors.

6. React Native-Specific Fixes

React Native (Android 9+) blocks insecure HTTP requests by default. Fix this by adding:

<!-- android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml -->  
  ... >  

For iOS, update Info.plist with:


Prevent man-in-the-middle attacks by pinning SSL certificates:

import { Network } from "react-native-network";  

  (config) => {  
    config.httpsAgent = new https.Agent({  
      ca: fs.readFileSync("path/to/cert.pem"),  
    return config;  
  (error) => Promise.reject(error)  

Best Practices for Debugging

Use interceptors (as shown earlier) to log errors consistently. This helps track issues without repeating try/catch blocks.

Check Network Connectivity

  • Use browser DevTools (Network Tab ) to inspect failed requests.
  • Test APIs with tools like Postman or Hoppscotch .

Avoid technical jargon in error alerts. Example:

if (error.code === "ERR_NETWORK") {  
  alert("Check your internet connection and try again.");  
} else if (error.response?.status === 404) {  
  alert("The requested resource was not found.");  


Axios network errors are frustrating but solvable. By mastering CORS fixes, leveraging interceptors, and following debugging best practices, you’ll build resilient apps.


Why am I getting a “Network Error” in Axios even when the server is running?

This often happens due to CORS misconfigurations. Browsers block requests if the server doesn’t include the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. Check your server logs to confirm the request is reaching the backend, and test the endpoint with Postman to rule out client-side issues.

Why does my Axios request time out?

Timeouts occur due to slow server responses or unstable networks. Set a timeout value in your Axios config (e.g., timeout: 5000 for 5 seconds) and implement retry logic using libraries like axios-retry.

Can I ignore CORS errors in Axios?

No, CORS is a browser security feature. Fix it by configuring the server to allow your domain or use a proxy during development.

How do I debug Axios errors effectively?

Use browser DevTools to inspect network requests, check server logs, and validate API endpoints with tools like Hoppscotch. Centralized error handling with interceptors also simplifies debugging.

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